ASF Magazine Warranty

If, at any time (regardless of the date of purchase) an ASF Magazine fails, simply send it back to us and we’ll replace it free of charge, return postage paid. However, we’re going to want to know EXACTLY how the failure occurred (Also, what brand of rifle/SBR?), specifically what type of ammo you’ve used (Factory ammo? Hot reloads?) and the conditions of the failure (Extreme heat/cold? etc.). We want to be able to duplicate the conditions of what happened. This way, we can isolate the problem(s) and fix it so that it never happens again to any of our customers.

HOWEVER, we’re NOT going to cover acts of gratuitous stupidity or wanton destruction for the sake of it. For example, if you tell us:

  • “I put the magazine on an anvil and hit it with a sledgehammer to see if it would break.”


  • “I soaked it in sulfuric acid to clean the carbon out.”


  • “I shot it with a shotgun to see if it would work with holes in it.”


  • “My dog used it as a chew toy.”

NO…Those sorts of things aren’t covered.

Look, I’ve seen some bizarre “torture tests” on the internet with firearms and magazines. If you want to “torture test” the magazines, that’s entirely on you. Our warranty covers “reasonable” use of the magazines. Sure, our mags are built like a tank, but keep in mind that professionals take care of the gear on which they’re staking their lives. We designed the ASF Magazines to last a

lifetime. We fully expect you to hand them down to your children

Proudly Made In The USA

The Anti-Spring Fatigue (ASF) Rifle Magazine is protected by active Patents issued by the United States Patent Office: 10527374 and 10690427.  Please check the Shipping Restrictions page before ordering! We can not ship to certain Cities/States on the Restricted Shipping List and orders will be canceled by our team if an order is placed in one of the Restricted Areas. Any attempt to utilize any of the information contained in one or more of these patents without the expressed written permission of the patent holder(s) will result in criminal prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.  © 2024 Anti-Spring Fatigue (ASF) Rifle Magazine Company, LLC.  All Rights Reserved.  The ASF Magazine Name, Logos And Related Marks Are Trademarks Of Anti-Spring Fatigue (ASF) Rifle Magazine Company , LLC.