About Our Company
This website is exclusively dedicated to the Anti-Spring Fatigue Magazine. We wanted no other products or services advertised or offered to distract from this patented, groundbreaking magazine. Manufacturing and providing this unique magazine is all we do; and all we want to do. Our main focus is to get this magazine into the hands of those who can truly benefit from is design and innovation.

First of all, every person involved in this project is a firearms enthusiast. Between us all, we have a combined experience with firearms of more than 150 years; and we’ve all served in various branches of the US Armed Forces and/or Law Enforcement. We like to think that we know what we’re doing.
It began on Naval Air Station Adak, Alaska in ’84. A few of us were called up for a working party to shuck out old ammo from magazines to be replaced with a newly-arrived shipment of fresh ammo. These mags were kept staged in several footlockers in the event of attack by the Russians. They’ve been sitting in footlockers for years, fully loaded. Doing this saves time, so we can respond quickly when the action starts. The Army does the same thing, by the way.
While emptying these fully-loaded, 30-round mags (scores of which were brand-new, never even used), we quickly found out that many of them had fatigued springs, rendering them completely useless. We had subsequently found out that rifle magazines are designated by our military as “expendable”. Furthermore, the US Government has contracts with several magazine manufacturers for “Replacement Magazines”; NOT “replacement parts” such as springs. So, the magazine companies make a fortune in selling new mags to Uncle Sam, instead of simply providing a replacement spring. We thought that was a wicked waste of both magazines and our taxpayer dollars.
From the very start we thought, “There’s gotta be a better way! There must be some way of preserving the spring so when we need our mags to perform, they’ll have the spring power to function.” Through the years, we’ve all encountered dozens of instances of “spring fatigue” in both rifle and pistol magazines. Every time this occurred, we were far less concerned with the cost of a spring than we were with having the confidence that our rifles will function efficiently if the Bad Guys start shooting at us.
Long story short, we came up with a magazine that has a movable sleeve to relax the spring tension while the mag is in storage or lengthy periods of inactivity. Yet, it can be put into action instantly with full magazine spring power. Spring fatigue (by definition) occurs when the magazine spring is fully compressed, and remains in this state for extended periods of time and this is exacerbated when the magazine is stored in non-temperature-controlled locations, i.e., storage facilities, trunks of vehicles, garage safes, etc. In layman’s terms, the spring loses its “springiness.” A common solution has always been “downloading” a few rounds to give the spring a break from full compression. This works to a small degree, and you also sacrifice the ammo that you’ve removed from the magazine (you might need those rounds when somebody is shooting at you). With our design, spring tension is relieved by about 50%: The equivalent of downloading 15 rounds. Common sense says that the spring will never fatigue. And why not? Because the conditions requiring spring fatigue to occur have not been met…not even close. Theoretically, these fully-loaded mags will last a lifetime. They’re ideal for “preppers”, law enforcement, military and any individuals who have a need of maintaining magazines with a full complement of ammunition in the event of civil unrest, combat, zombie-cannibals staggering down the street, homeowners countering the lethal intentions of dangerous humans, the end of the world as we know it…You get the idea.
After we had made several prototypes in our shop, and we applied for and received TWO Patents from the US Patent Office. We then had 3D-printed prototypes manufactured. Once we worked out the few problems resulting from the translation from metal to polymer, we focused on injection-mold manufacturing. More prototypes made. We even went so far as to have the magazine dynamics tested using computer simulation. Naturally, we loaded them up and ran them through their paces on a live shooting range. Only after they were proven 100% efficient and effective, we applied for a THIRD US Patent (Pending) to cover all modifications. Then we went ahead and had them manufactured in bulk using the injection-molding process.
This is the only magazine in existence which effectively addresses the decades-old problem of spring fatigue in a fully-loaded magazine. There have been many attempts made in the past, but for a variety of reasons, they couldn’t make the concept work. We’re pleased to declare that through extensive, state-of-the-art engineering and design, we HAVE made the concept work and function efficiently.
We’re trying to keep the prices down for our customers by using simple packaging and bubble envelopes for shipping. These mags are made with highest quality Duramide™ PA66 nylon polymer, so they’re really tough. However, if any of these mags are somehow damaged during shipping, immediately return the damaged mags and we’ll replace them without delay, free of charge, no questions asked.